Government & Public Sector

Apply Intelligence to Infrastructure

Train Stations

Transit centers are a critical part of American infrastructure, enabling us to work & live, from cities to suburbia. AIRIA enhances situational awareness to complement existing cameras and boots on the ground.


With thousands of people traveling daily and facing weather delays and changes in flight schedules, AIRIA enhances customer experience, accessibility strategies, and airport operations.

National Security

AIRIA is credentialed for work with the US Federal Government.

Reach out directly to discuss projects & partnerships.

“It took me less than 10 seconds to see the value of Airia - and that's based on decades of working with spatial analytics and mapping technologies for the public sector. Nothing out there comes close to the ease of use, UX and capabilities of Airia. If your responsibilities include space planning or ensuring the security of a facility or large space, AIRIA is the solution.”

- Mark Wheeler, Former CIO for City of Philadelphia; Principal at Alogra Government Solutions

Why Public Sector?

Our public sector institutions educate us, provide the backbone of our way of life, protect our citizens, and enable us to move freely around the country. Unfortunately, these organizations often lack access to the cost-effective and innovative software available to the private sector.

AIRIA strives to provide a game-changing, force-multiplying solution that supports the organizations that serve us all.

We hold government contracts, prioritize data privacy and cybersecurity, and excel in navigating the often bureaucratic public sector procurement processes.

Let's work together to revitalize American infrastructure with powerful, ethical, and force-multiplying software.

Maximize the data
you already own

AIRIA is an innovative solution that leverages existing datasources to provide new insights & awareness, regardless of environment, sector and expertise level. Reach out today to learn more.